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Keep a Good, Loving Relansionship with Your Boyfriend - AKU MACAM MANA????

Let him know more about you.
Your boyfriend must be like your best friend. (If not then your not right for each other, sorry) You must be able to trust him and he must be able to trust you because later on you must be able to tell him ALL your secrets. This starts by getting to know each other

*** aku lebih suka org tu tahu TENTANG aku... so... he will know me more than otherssssss!!!

Don't kiss in the first 3-5 weeks.
Kissing to early? not a good idea. Relansionships stay togther longer if your stay truthful to your partner. This is inculdes kissing at the right time. Even after 5 weeks you may not be ready.


Talk to him EVERYDAY!
Talk to him everyday and let him know what's going on. Talk to him about your day, your problems, etc. Don't forget to ask about him too!

*** hurmmm.. suatu yg sukar kalau perhubungan tu berada dalam jarak yang JAUH... walau pun ada alternatif yang menghubungkan, ini tidak bermakna PERLU utk terus berhubung setiap hari apatah lagi setiap masa...

Hold hands.
Holding hands is a romantic way to say, I love you and no one else. It's a cute sign to say you really like him. But if he says "No No" to holding hands then you shouldn't. Every couple is different but i say go ahead and try it.

***TOLONGlah.... jaga batas yerrr...

Ask him to take pictures with you.
Let him know, he is an important part of your life. You can express this through taking pictures with them. If you want, you can post to a social network. But i would be careful because some girls can make some real drama out of jealousy when they are single and you aren't !

*** lau via editting mmg x real... nak betol2, cam tak elok lakkkk

Go places (dates).
Invite him to do things with you alot. Give him a little taste of your life. For example, let's say you go to Youth Group every Friday. Invite him to go! He'll really appreciate it! :)

*** aku bukan jenis suka "DATING"... jadi.. biar laaa kot xyah dating2 ni stakat mana yg mampu dan belum masa utk kearah hubungan yg lebih SERIUS!

Invite him to a family dinner.
He's a part of the family right when you say yes after he asks you out! Invite him to a family dinner! Make sure he knows your family may be a little crazy but you love them anyways! Don't be embarrassed but your family and don't tell them to act any different then they normally do. Let your boyfriend get a real taste of the fam!

*** lau dia sudi datang uma aku, apa salah... tp bukan SUPRISE!! agak la kan, tau2 da depan uma... boh layan la... (ye ke?) mustahil la xjemput masuk lau family da bekenan kan dia :)

Double date.
Go on dates with friends! It will be real fun for him and you!

*** boleh ke dia sama2 keluar dgn KAWAN2 aku?? mungkin.... tp aku prefer semua ada partner masing2.. so, aman damai :p hang out sama2 ghituuuu!!!

Get to know his friends!
Hang out with his friends and get to know them! Become one of the boys! Your boyfriend, will really appreciate it.

*** lau benda ni, lelaki agak sukar mperkenalkan kawan2 dia kpd GF dia.... tahu sgt laaa......

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Salam sis,
Sori kacau..akak student master Dec. Science..nk mtx tlg awk fill up questionnaire utk research akak boleh?:)
thanks 4 your time!
p/s: klu ade blogger uum len yg adik kenal, mtx tlg isi jugak ye..tq.

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