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Types of Foods to Avoid for B Positive Blood Type

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Vast differences exist between blood types. The absence or presence of antigens is the primary difference between the eight types. According to the American Red Cross, the antigens in your blood trigger immune responses and cause your blood to attack foreign antigens. Only 9 percent of Caucasian and Hispanic people have B positive, or B+. The blood type is most common among Asians and blacks.

With type B+ blood you usually tolerate a well-balanced diet, but may feel better and stay healthier if you avoid certain foods that contain lectin. According to Dr. Michael Lam, a specialist in anti-aging and nutritional medicine, wheat contains high doses of lectin that interferes with insulin production, leading to weight gain, fatigue, fluid retention and a sluggish metabolism. Buckwheat, peanuts, lentils, corn and sesame seeds contain the gluten lectin.

Nuts, Seeds and Lentils
Lectin is a common plant glycoprotein that acts like an antibody and is found in most plant and animal foods. Most nuts, lentils and seeds, including peanuts and sesame seeds, contain similar lectin as those found in wheat, and should be avoided if you have B+ blood type. Eating lentils, wheat, seeds and nuts also can cause you to experience a sudden drop in blood sugar, or hyperglycemia. The imbalance interferes with your metabolism and can cause you to burn calories at a slower rate and put on weight.

Stay away from chicken if you're following a blood type diet and are B+. Chickens carry lectin in their muscle fibers that attack your blood system and can lead to stroke, according to Lam. Better sources of protein for B+ people include deep-ocean fish, but skip the shellfish, Lam warns.

People with B+ blood tend to produce higher levels of cortisone, leaving you vulnerable to developing autoimmune diseases that occur when your immune system attacks healthy cells, Lam reports. Common autoimmune diseases include celiac disease, Graves' disease, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis and inflammatory bowel disease. While you can enjoy a wide range of fruits and vegetables with little or no effect, tomatoes should be avoided because of the lectins they contain. Lectin in the skin of tomatoes interferes with your antigens and can irritate your stomach lining. Eating tomatoes can leave you feeling tired and bloated.

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